Setting aside a little time for reflection at the end of the year is great for our mental, emotional, and even financial wellbeing. Running the numbers now and getting a few items in order can help put yourself ahead of the game come tax-time!
4 Ways to Lower Your Tax Obligation—Before the New Year
Has Your Family Reviewed the “Nanny Tax” Code?
4 Ways to Reduce Medical Expenses and Save Tax Dollars
Recent reports have estimated that the average family of four will spend roughly $30,000 on healthcare—even when on an employer-sponsored plan in 2022. This is nearly a $5,000 increase on the 2020 healthcare expense numbers, and these rising costs show no sign of stopping. For families facing high medical bills, following some simple tax advice can help keep more money in your pocket.
What Does the Effective Tax Rate Actually Mean?
Having a consistent number year over year for what you’ll owe on your taxes would certainly be convenient. Yet fluctuations with the tax code and the ever-changing circumstances within our own lives tend to put that dream out of reach. There are, however, ways to help make sure that the reality of your tax responsibility is closer to your own expectations by year’s end. That starts with a basic understanding of your marginal tax rate and your effective tax rate—and how the process differs from how a flat tax system would work.
Contemporaneous Records to Support Your Tax Return
Some parts of the tax code almost read like another language. The terminology isn’t always familiar, and that can be a real challenge if the IRS has contacted you with any questions about your tax return.
In those situations, one of the words you might come across is “contemporaneous.” This has a very specific definition for the IRS. Whenever you’re making a significant claimed deduction, it’s definitely a term you’ll need to know!
Business vs Hobby in the Eyes of the IRS
We should all be so lucky as to work in a field that we love. Yet sometimes this can become a gray area in the eyes of the IRS. In order to claim actual business deductions on your tax return, you don’t want there to be any question about whether the activity is a hobby. You’ll need to fit into the IRS description of what running a business actually means.
Tax Reduction Ideas to Consider in Advance
Don’t Miss These Back to School Tax Deductions
What To Do If You’re Audited
It can certainly sound like a scary word, but an “audit” doesn’t necessarily mean you need to raise the alarm or lose too much sleep. Audits are standard practice for the IRS. While most people will never be put in an audit situation, you can definitely get through it—and NSO & Company is here to help when you need us!
Money for Retirement—5 Strategies to Consider
Summer Job Taxes—3 Things to Know
There are plenty of ways to earn some extra income during the summertime! But you don’t want that hard work to run up against a tricky tax situation down the road. Whether it’s your child’s first summer job or seasonal income for yourself, a few tax management insights can help you square away your records before it’s time to file.
Stay In-the-Know: 2022 Tax Changes as of 06-30-2022
Review Your Withholdings to Avoid Tax Surprises
3 Tax Refund Tips—and Watch the Scammers!
Homeowner Tax Forms—and How to Review Them
The real estate market has been especially active in recent years, and along with that, there have been revisions to the home-related tax rules. Unfortunately, taxpayers aren’t always aware of the updates until after they’ve filed their returns or made some mistakes.
Whether you bought or sold a home, or even refinanced it’s more important than ever to understand how the tax rules apply to homeownership. While mortgage companies will report information regarding taxes to both homeowners and the IRS with Form 1098, the interest and points on those statements aren’t necessarily deductible. This overview can help you learn what you need to know!
What the IRS Automated Notices Mean
Avoid the Surprise: Common Reasons for a Tax Increase
We all know that our circumstances often change from year to year. But no one wants to get caught by surprise with a tax increase. There are a handful of common scenarios that can trigger a bump in what you may owe. So before you file, make sure you’re informed. You may need to be on-guard and prepare to pay more. Just review this list to make sure you’ll be all set!
Tax-Free Property Rentals: Here’s How
Diverse Tax Reporting: How to Get Organized This Year
Every year will introduce certain tax reporting scenarios that are unique to your personal life. But for the 2021 tax reporting, things can be even trickier.
Whether it’s the economic recovery payments, unemployment benefits, or your family’s advance child tax payments—you’ll likely have a few extra items to review. Running through this checklist will help you stay organized.